Democratic Gubernatorial Victories, Mayorial Wins and Losses

November 9, 2005

It’s been a rather exciting “off-year”. Democrats won in Virginia, as Lt. Governor Kaine was elected to replace termed-out Governor (and potential Presidential candidate) Mark Warner. Senator John Corzine won a gubernatorial race that was spending as much as a million dollars a day. Boston’s WHDH’s is reporting a mandate for Mayor Thomas Menino, with 67% of the vote.

A surprising loss was that of Manchester, NH mayor Bob Baines — who attracted much attention, and this past weekend, had Massachusetts Senator John Kerry campaign for him.

WGME-13 out of Maine is reporting that the controversial “question one”, which voting yes would repeal landmark gay rights legislation, is reporting a steady lead (with 24% of the vote in) in favor of “no”.

These of course are only the key races BSR have been following. For more, search your own state on google news.